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Sheer Madness - Alpacas haircut, Bocketts Farm

Sheer Madness - Alpacas haircut, Bocketts Farm

Sheer Madness - Bramble, Mimi, Sprout and Katya, Alpacas pictured at Bocketts Farm in Surrey have been given a haircut today as the hot weather continues.
Alpacas are sheared annually to stop their fleeces getting too long and causing them distress.
The farm, which is hoping to open again soon, is closed due to Covid-19, celebrated their 28th birthday this week and would normally expect 1500 - 2000 visitors a day during May Half Term. While closed they are sharing regular live videos on social media as well as running an online Farmyard Classroom covering a range of KS1 topics exploring the farm to meet and learn about some of the farm animals.